Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Buying a telescope

Most amateur astronomers start by observing the night sky using a pair of binoculars. These have several benefits – they are simple to use, low maintenance and can be used for other hobbies such as birdwatching. A pair of binoculars suitable for astronomy can be purchased for as little as £40.

After getting to know different objects using binoculars, most observers progress to using a small telescope. Good telescopes offer a detailed view of the brighter planets and other objects but can be very expensive and you should expect to pay at least £200 for a basic model.

Where can I buy?

The best place to buy a telescope (and binoculars suitable for astronomy) is a reputable astronomy shop, most of which advertise in astronomy magazines. Their staff will be happy to answer questions and offer advice on purchasing a telescope that best suits your needs. (See also 'Buy from our online shop' below.)

I've bought a telescope/binoculars – how do I use them?

The best place to get advice on using binoculars and small telescopes is an amateur astronomical society. The Federation of Astronomical Societies has a list of clubs and societies around Britain.

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